Our Facilities

Our Facilities
Excellent Childcare in the centre of St Helens
Beacon Nursery is situated inside YMCA The Beacon. The Beacon was built as a multi-agency facility in St Helens, owned by YMCA St Helens, with money from European funding, and key partners, Greater Merseyside Connexions and St Helens College. The Partners worked alongside St Helens Borough Council to deliver improved services to children and young people in the area.
Care And Education is offered within the following Age Ranges:
- 3 Months– 2 Years – Ladybirds: A homely atmosphere helps young babies settle into nursery life. Babies are treated as individuals, provided with warmth and the security of care ensuring their basic needs are met.
A large variety of activities help the ever inquisitive toddler to develop independence, social and communication skills, to develop strong muscles and co-ordination through physical play. - 2 – 3 Years – Caterpillars: Play becomes slightly more planned to allow children free choice of resources as well as some planned activities which will enable children to continue to develop social skills in turn taking, co-operation and how to communicate with adults and their peers. They will have access to a range of activities to encourage their creative skills and imagination.
- 3 – 5 Years – Butterflies: The continuous provision areas ensure children’s free choice of activity within a structured learning environment. They can continually access these areas in order to develop, practice repeat and refine skills in their own time. Carefully planned resources offer the chance to experiment, observe and explore their surroundings and enables the children to discover information for themselves. Parent partnership is strong and children’s interests are used to plan exciting games and activities making sure learning is fun. Through the six learning areas, children will be supported in reaching their full potential and achieving the stepping stones, giving each child a wide range of experiences and knowledge to draw upon when they enter school. The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) September 2012 set the standards for learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years. We follow the principles of the EYFS to ensure that each child within all of our settings has the best possible start in life and is able to reach their full potential. By using the principles, themes and 7 areas of learning and development we can ensure that children progress naturally. We do not believe in planning too far ahead – and make sure that planning is not too formal that it can’t be changed according to what is occurring on a daily basis. Staff make sensitive observations of children whilst they play in their carefully planned continuous provision areas. These observations, alongside parent comments, form the basis of the following day’s, or next week’s planning.